Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Bootstrap Admin panel for Free. Download Now!

Bootstrap Admin panel for Free. Download Now!

BootStrap Admin Panel For FREE!!

If you want bootsrap admin panel for your business without paying a single penny. Then you are at the right place here you can get free bootstrap admin panel without paying money. The real price of this Admin Panel is about 21$. Its a huge amount for newbies so you cannot pay this amount. But wait im here i m giving this for free.
Image result for elisyam admin

Introduction To Elisyam Bootsrap Admin Panel

Elisyam is the complete package that was built to help you create a custom and unique user interface for your project.
Elisyam is packed with pages that come complete with documented code to simplify the customization process.
With Elisyam you’re not limited to creating a single page for your admin panel. You’ll have over many pre-built page templates to choose from, covering many popular scenarios and content types. Like the main admin demos, all the page templates are highly customizable.
You can add any of the pre-built UI elements to your design. The options are vast, with elements including buttons, badges, widgets, timeline, modals, progress bars, and more. They can all be customized to ensure they fit in or contrast with the rest of your dashboard as desired.
Author: Saerox


Elisyam is a simple static HTML template so it's simple to install it.
Just simple steps to follow:
open wordpress dashboard > appearence >theme>addnew>upload>upload that zip file that you downloaded> activate. DONE!

Dark Version

All pages of Eisyam are available in dark version.
Just change the name of the css file: elisyam-1.0.css by elisyam-1.0-dark.css.
Same thing for javascript files: file.js by file-dark.js.
Add .min for minified files.


We used google fonts, so you can change them easily.
        google: {"families":["Montserrat:400,500,600,700","Noto+Sans:400,700"]},
        active: function() {
            sessionStorage.fonts = true;
Default Fonts: Montserrat and Noto Sans


LineAwesome - <i class="la la-icon"></i>
Themify - <i class="ti ti-icon"></i>
Ionicons - <i class="ion-icon"></i>
Meteocons - <i class="meteocons-icon"></i>


Basic widget structure
<div class="widget has-shadow">
    <div class="widget-header">
        <h2>Widget Header</h2>
    <div class="widget-body">
        Content Body
    <div class="widget-footer">
        Content Footer

Widget Header With Border

<div class="widget-header bordered no-actions d-flex align-items-center">
    <h2>Widget Header With Border</h2>

Widget Header No Border

<div class="widget-header bordered no-actions d-flex align-items-center">
    <h2>Widget Header No Border</h2>

Widget Header With Actions

<div class="widget-header bordered no-actions d-flex align-items-center">
    <h2>Widget Header With Border</h2>
    <div class="widget-options">
        <div class="dropdown">
            <button type="button" id="actions" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" class="dropdown-toggle">
                <i class="la la-ellipsis-h"></i>
            <div aria-labelledby="Actions" class="dropdown-menu">
                <a href="#" class="dropdown-item"> 
                    Options 1
                <a href="#" class="dropdown-item"> 
                    Options 2
                <a href="#" class="dropdown-item"> 
                    Options 3

Widget Header With Button

<div class="widget-header bordered no-actions d-flex align-items-center">
    <h2>Widget Header With Border</h2>
    <div class="widget-options">
        <div class="btn-group" role="group">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Button 1</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Button 2</button>

Music Player

assets > js > music > music-player.js
You can add multiple files, to change just press the previous and next buttons on the player.
Some examples below:
songs = [{
  src: "folder/Song Example.mp3", // mp3 file
  title: "Artist/Group Name - Song Name", // Title
  coverart: "assets/img/music/img.jpg" // Image
}, {
  src: "folder/song example.mp3",
  title: "Artist/Group Name - Song Name",
  coverart: "assets/img/music/img.jpg"
}, {
  src: "folder/song-example.mp3",
  title: "Artist/Group Name - Song Name",
  coverart: "assets/img/music/img.jpg"
}, ];



Text Color
.text-primaryLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-secondaryLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-successLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-infoLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-warningLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-dangerLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-gradient-01Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-gradient-02Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-gradient-03Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-gradient-04Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-gradient-05Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.
.text-darkLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectecur.

Background Color

If you want to download Bootstrap Admin panel. Download Here :

  Click Here

setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = "https://technogupdate.com/bootstrap-admin-panel-for-free-download-now/"; // redirect page }, 2500); //will call the function after 2.5 secs.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Best ways to get Google Developer Console Account Free

I will tell you best ways to get google developer account for free without paying a single money

I will tell you 2 ways :

  • long-term way
  • short-term way (My personal best method)

Long-Term Way

In this, you will get developer account but you have to wait for sometime to earn money and spend it on your Google Developer Account and get it. So as I say you have to earn money from an application like my favorite GetSet Reward. From which I have earned about 52$ in 1-week by just referring people. You can try this method if you can refer high amount of people you can earn higher money. The main part of this app is it's newly launched as you know the popular app OneAd which has now too many installs which means if you share this application you will not get success in it as it already installed by many people.

How to earn money with this app:

  • You can play games and earn
  • Watch videos and earn
  • Refer and Win
  • Do some simple task and earn  

If you want to download the GetSet Reward App You can download it by clicking here :


Short-Term Way

So the Short-term way is the website which gives 5 developer account for free every 1 month. What you have to do on this website is just go to this website and you have to subscribe it and then after subscribing you have to fill up a form which asks you to fill up your email address and password.
After filling up the form you will get a link which you have to share with the people. Its just simple now you have to wait for the 15th date of the month you registered. Because of every 15th day of month results are coming up in which you can find there if you win or not.

This is the best method to get you, free developer account without spending a single penny from your pocket.

This is the website in which google developer account is free you can get there and try I get my google developer account for free now you can try. The more you share the more is the chances to get the free developer account.

Website Link: Free Google Developer Account

One More thing you can buy google developer account for less amount in just 18$ from this above website. This is only for people who have less money to spend. :)

If you get your developer account for free pls comment below "I Get It".



setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = "https://technogupdate.com/best-ways-to-get-google-developer-console-account-free/"; //will redirect to your blog page (an ex: blog.html) }, 2500); //will call the function after 2 secs.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

KWFinder - A keyword research and analysis tool 2018

KWFinder - A keyword research and analysis tool 2018

Kwfinder became a good choice for bloggers as it finds everything about the keyword. And it's the preferred choice for keyword study, and it's good to get the data from the source. You should utilize KWfinder to compare terms, get fresh articles ideas, explore topical classes, monitor seasonality and compare background vs. Editorial teams such as using Google Trends because there can be no log-in or signup required. It doesn't offer search volume figures, but its a fast and simple way to compare various terms and analyze long-term and more latest trends. 

In addition to drilling down on specific timeframes and topical classes, you're able to focus especially on Web search, news, picture, shopping or YouTube. You may also get weekly e-mail updates on priority terms. KW Finder is an instrument that is newer I like a lot. It pulls in monthly search volume information from KWfinder tool and curiosity with time graphs from Google Trends. This is complemented with aggressive information on your top 10 They results for your keyword and a general keyword difficulty score. There's a free version and after that, the paid versions are very reasonable, particularly if you pay annually. 

Bing Keyword Research can be obtained within Bing Webmaster Tools.you've to be logged into your own profile so that it has less appeal to editorial teams. Nonetheless, it can be a useful additional source of information for researching subjects for content preparation. Wordstream is a favorite paid option. Their main focus is pay-per-click, but as with KWfinder, the information is useful for lookup engine optimization also. They offer several free tools such as a basic keyword tool, a market finder, and a keyword grouper. Keyword Tool is handy for pulling suggested search\/autocomplete data for Google, Bing and even YouTube. 

Just enter a term (e. G.A good approach is to utilize Keyword Tool to research keyword ideas and after that Plug your most important candidates into KWfinder to find the search volume figures. Ubersuggest has the comparable functionality to Keyword Tool. It had been first on the scene, but the KWfinder Tool became more popular of late.


  • Find hidden long tail keywords
  • organize keyword with the keyword list
  • filter keywords that aren't profitable
  • Localize result for Local Keywords
  • Import keyword you want to analyze
  • Google suggested keyword source
  • The most accurate keyword difficulty
  • Search trends and keyword metrics
  • SERP analysis and SEO Metrics
setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = "https://technogupdate.com/kwfinder-a-keyword-research-and-analysis-tool-2018/"; //will redirect to your blog page (an ex: blog.html) }, 2500); //will call the function after 2 secs.